Be Delighted is an entertainment company that uses the transforming power of creativity to bring joy into people's lives. ​Be Delighted produces entertaining, inspiring, empowering, interactive experiences to enhance general well-being.

Dear friends,
Be Delighted began from a question: how can people utilize creativity in their everyday experience to feel joy? Being engaged in a performing arts career has given me a unique lens into understanding how the art and science of singing can impact well-being. Through the years after concerts, people shared with me many stories, including some very heart-wrenching stories of loss and/or trauma. No matter what avenue the losses stemmed, or the level of grief felt, I observed how the craft of singing positively influenced the mind, body, and spirit, and thus began the call-t0-respond…SingRx (previously Sing4Wellness)!
There is an 'artist' in each one of us, crafting, molding, shaping, and using our talents to create a life that sings! In the pursuit of this excellence, I believe the societal ills that plague a society will dissolve. Just think for a moment of the lyrics that made you cry, a photograph implanted in your memory of the ‘good times,’ a dance that brought you closer to a significant other, a sandcastle children made with their parents, or a letter to a loved one. Whatever act of creativity, it brought a unity, a memory, value and dignity of an individual, that somehow inspired forgiveness, empathy, compassion, and love. Our imperfections require that we have the arts because they bring us into the realization and progress of humanity.
We are excited about our programming and hope you will join us on the journey! Let your heart be moved by the art around you! Let’s preserve the wellness of our society. Let’s Be Delighted!​
Founder, Be Delighted!

Create a world where people can live joyfully, empowered by the arts.

We are movers and shakers who understand a strong work ethic and the courage needed to move mountains, jump hurdles, and blast through obstacles.
We find greatness in our strengths and strength in our times of weakness. Have no fear, because being genuine is good to our ear.
Our team consists of highly talented business, creative professionals, and volunteers who desire to see good in the world. We achieve this goal because we believe the arts have a holistic impact on the human person. Get ready to smile, laugh, or be moved to tears, because we do our very best to offer entertainment presentations that will transform our audiences.
We strive to bring consistency in our products and services and make the best honest decisions for the business, the community at-large and all those working for Be Delighted.
We believe in the human dignity of all persons, and that the mind, body and spirit are interconnected. Our actions influence ourselves and the world around us. The arts play a myriad of roles in the wellness of communities.
Hug it out! Yes, we believe in showing love and responsibility in our business decisions, and that means exercising mercy, forgiveness, and recompense if needed.